三借芭蕉扇 Monkey Makes Three Attempts to Borrow the Plantain Fan The Tang Priest and his three disciples,Monkey(Wukong) ,Pig and Friar Sand,were heading towards the Western Heaven. Gradually they began to feel hotter and hotter in the warm air. It was very strange, because it was autumn. Later they learnt that the Fiery Mountains were just ahead of them. The mountains had a circumference of 800 li, on which not a blade of grass could grow. A young man selling cakes told them that it was not possible to cross the mountains without a special plantain fan which could only be borrowed from Princess Iron Fan. After having made arrangements for his master, Monkey left for the Plantain Cave to see Princess Iron Fan. The princess was the wife of the Bull Demon King and the Red Boy's mother. Some time ago, Red Boy had tried to eat the Tang Priest and Monkey had subdued him. Hence Princess Iron Fan hated Monkey and refused to lend the fan to him. Instead she blew Monkey right out of sight with a single wave of her plantain fan. Bodhisattva Lingji heard about this and gave Monkey a Wind-Fixing Pill. Monkey came to borrow the magic fan for the second time. With the Wind-Fixing Pill in his mouth, Monkey could not be moved no matter how hard the princess waved the fan. The princess hurried back to the cave and had the doors closed tightly. However, Monkey turned himself into an insect and got into the princess' belly when she was drinking tea. The princess could not stand the pain, so that she agreed to lend the fan to Monkey, but she actually gave him a false one. The third time Monkey came for the fan he decided to turn himself into the Bull Demon King. He got the fan. Upon hearing of this trickery, the Bull Demon King came hurriedly chasing after Monkey. They engaged in a fierce struggle. Soon Pig and Friar Sand came to Monkey's help and forced the Bull Demon King to show his true colors. With the plantain fan, Monkey put out the fire. The master and his three disciples continued their journey to the West to fetch scriptures. 唐僧师徒四人,一路风尘仆仆朝西行去。走着走着,渐渐觉得热气袭人,难以忍受。此 进正值秋天,大家感到很奇怪。一打听才知道前方有座火焰山,方圆八百里寸草不生。又从 卖糕少年嘴里听说,要想过山,只有向铁扇公主借芭蕉扇扇灭火后才能通过。司空把师父安 排好,前往芭蕉洞找铁扇公主。铁扇公主是牛魔王的妻子,红孩儿之母。因上次红孩儿想吃 唐僧肉与司空结下了冤仇,铁扇公主哪里肯借。悟空初次借扇,被铁扇公主用芭蕉扇扇得无 踪无影。灵吉菩萨得知实情,给他一粒"定风丹"再去借扇。悟空二次来借扇,公主又用扇扇 他,悟空口含定风丹,一动不动。公主急忙回洞,闭门不出。悟空变作一只小虫,乘公主喝 茶之际进入铁扇公主腹中。公主腹疼难忍,答应借扇,但给的是一把假扇。第三次,悟空变 成牛魔王模样,骗得真扇。牛魔王到家得知真相后急忙追赶,悟空与牛魔王大战。八戒、沙 僧上前助战, 最后把牛魔王打得现出原形。 悟空用芭蕉扇扇灭山火, 师徒四人继续西行取经。
Journey to the West is a Chinese classic. The storyline is about a monk and his three diciples making a trip to the west to collect the buddhist writings. On their way, they met with many monsters and devils who wanted to eat the monk's meat and penis soup.
四个主人公有很多称法,用得最多的是,Tang Monk,Pilgrim, Pa-chieh,
Sha Monk。八戒有时候自称Old Hog。Sun Wukong使用的兵器是golden
hooped rod, 八戒使的是muckrake。Sun Wukong头上戴的是Tight Fillet Cap, 唐
僧念的是Tight Fillet Spell。 妖精是monster-spirit, fiend,demon。
悟空管理蟠桃园,吃尽园中大桃。又赴瑶池,喝光仙酒;吃尽太上老君葫芦内的金丹。逃回花果山。玉帝令托塔天王率天兵去捉拿悟空。悟空打退了众天神。 南海观音徒弟木叉助天王,被战败。观音又荐二郎神。二郎神与悟空大战,太上老君在天观战,丢下金刚套,击中悟空。众神押其回上界。玉帝传旨处死。 太上老君将悟空置入炼丹炉烧炼,四十九天后,悟空出来,大闹天宫。玉帝请来如来佛。孙悟空一路筋斗云,跳不出佛掌。如来将五指化为大山,压住悟空
唐僧遣悟空去化斋饭。山中妖精,一变美女,二变老妇,三变老翁,迷惑唐僧,悟空打死妖精,唐僧大怒,逐走悟空。 悟空回到花果山,播风扬石,砸死上山捕猴的众猎户。 唐僧误入妖穴被擒。八戒、沙僧与与老妖黄袍怪在半空中乱杀。
车迟国王兴道灭佛,僧人都被罚做苦工。悟空放走诸僧,鼓风吹散道士之会,变为三清大吃供品。 众道士将三人当作降临的三清祈拜,以求对水。三人将尿施与,纵云而回。国王听说,命唐僧等与三大仙赌赛求雨。虎力大仙先登坛弄法,被悟空使法力阻住,无雨降下。悟空登坛,风雷大作,暴雨倾盆。 虎力与唐僧各在一高台上坐禅。虎力变出臭虫咬唐僧,悟家变成蜈蚣叮虎力大仙,使他跌下;赌猜柜中之物,赌砍头剖腹油锅洗澡等:由于悟空使计,三大仙皆输
唐僧和八戒饮了河水而怀胎。悟空往索落胎泉水,如意真仙因其侄红孩儿被悟空而降生恨。悟空教沙僧趁自己诱开真仙之机,取走泉水。唐僧八戒饮水解胎。 到都城城关,一行人被女官接入馆驿,女王欲招唐僧为夫。悟空让唐僧假意应承。四人入城,女王在宫中设宴款待,宴后,倒换关文,差三徒前往西天。唐僧邀女王同乘龙车出城为三徒送行,趁机与三徒共投西方。
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